Zelda Dungeon Tiles
The Legend Of Zelda: Link’s Awakening is an action-adventure game for the original GameBoy. I wanted the tile sheets for the game’s dungeons so that I could make my own.
I found some maps assembled by Mister Mike
But there were problems. Firstly, they’re not tile sheets, they’re maps. Also they have 1 pixel padding between the rooms.
I wanted to crop the map, remove the padding, then isolate the unique tiles in order to stitch them into a sprite sheet. I used ImageMagick and Bash scripts.
First I made Bash scripts to help append images together horizontally or vertically.
if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
echo "Usage: drag in images as parameters to append horizontally"
convert "$@" +append "temp$RANDOM.png"
Things to note:
- I put a safety condition and helpful error if no input files are supplied as arguments.
- I redirected all errors to the bin because they stop the rest of the script running. I’ll inspect the results if something goes wrong.
- I name the output image with a random number to avoid overwriting it when the script is run again.
With the
command ImageMagick automatically resizes the “canvas” area to fit the last image added. Other commands require the+repage
option to do this, otherwise the canvas either stays the same size as the first input image or creates an animated GIF.
This takes a dungeon map, crops it into rooms with padding along the top and left edges, removes the padding, leaving the 160x128 pixel rooms, then crops every room into 16x16 tiles.
convert $1 -crop 161x129 +repage c%03d.png
convert c* -crop +1+1 +repage b%03d.png
convert b* -crop 16x16 +repage a%04d.png
Some assumptions and preparation must be made. I reserved a folder for the intermediate images to avoid overwriting existing files, or selecting unwanted files that happen to be named “c001.png” etc. I cropped the source image to a regular size.
This process produces a lot of duplicates. For uncommon tiles I am sometimes better dipping into the map and grabbing the tile by hand. Some tiles are animated, but they appear in the sheet with padding around every frame.
convert $1 -crop 17x17 +repage a%01d.png && \
convert a* -crop +1+1 +repage b%01d.png && \
~/genIMAppendHorizontal.sh b*
I call my helper script from another script.
Stretch goals
Use Python image recognition to pick out only the unique tiles.
I think the primitive graphics might be suitable for this task since the sizes are regular, the patterns are consistent, the colours are few.